Change lives with your donations

When you make a donation to the Racine Croisée Foundation, you’re supporting the integration of new arrivals, promoting social justice through the distribution of food baskets, and supporting basic needs in residences, including furnishings and bureaucratic assistance in the immigration process.

Thank you for your donations

You’re doing more than just making a donation.

Thanks to your donations

Racine Croisée provides an original, concrete and appropriate response to the problem of social injustice and the integration of racialized immigrant communities in Montreal. As a front-line player committed to satisfying basic needs such as access to food, as well as offering more far-reaching solutions, such as support, welcome, orientation and education in community life, Racine Croisée supports in many ways to continue and improve its mission.

What your donations made possible in 2023

En combinant l’action de la banque alimentaire, le service d’aide à l’immigration et à l’intégration, nous pouvons fièrement mais très humblement vous présenter ces chiffres.


Immigrants welcomed


Volunteers mobilized


Familles épaulées